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Living Out Loud

A 5-week transformative course to  overcome self-doubt, uncover your true self, and live the life you've imagined 

May 24 - June 21, 2024
"If you want to meet the love of your life, look in the mirror."
~Byron Katie

Have you spent your life striving and accomplishingputting a lot of pressure on yourself to succeed but never feeling like you're enough?


Have you sought deep meaning throughout your life along with an inner calling to contribute to the world?


And are you feeling a little burnt out by it all?

Image by Greg Rakozy

If you long for more clarity on how to make life easier and how to let go of fear so you can step into a more expansive life then this 5-week journey might be what you've been looking for.

When you understand how you are undermining yourself and why, then you can get out of your own way by learning to be your biggest champion.

You're not alone in this. Women in particular have been conditioned to put themselves down and not trust their deep inner knowing.

But you can learn to let life support you.

And when you do, everything flows more smoothly.


Hi, I'm Kathryn and this has been my story. I am now 50 years old and there's so much I have learned through struggle in my life that I wish I could tell my younger self about to spare her. But since I can't do that, I can instead help others. Maybe you. That's what I feel I'm here on this earth to do.


I grew up with parents who, while they provided for me very well, lacked the ability to connect with me outside of their role as parent, which is to say connect with me at all. As an HSP-Empath, it was very easy for me to impose a meaning on this of me being unlovable which, internalized, showed up as a lack of self-worth.


The trouble was, I didn't actually know that about me, that deep down I believed there was something wrong with me ... I didn't know all of these beliefs were happening in the background, like programs running on the computer of the mind.


So I went through my teens and twenties achieving everything (academics, athletics, music, and more) at a high level, not knowing this was to try to get the love and acceptance I felt I was lacking from my parents. I also was in romantic relationships with people who mirrored that of my relationship with my parents in that they couldn't really see me nor my light. They served only to mirror my belief about my low self-worth.


We didn't have the same deep values and I unconsciously always believed there was something wrong with me because my default was to assume there was nothing wrong with them. The interesting thing was that I've always had really close friendships which mirrored the deepest, wisest and best parts of me ... who I was in my essence.


After becoming a mom, my relationship with my parents got worse. There were so many times when I was looking to them for emotional support (cheerleading, encouragement or validation of any kind) and felt I got the opposite: criticism. I really, really believed their behaviour towards me meant something about me ... meant that I was very flawed. It was so painful.


(Note: I understand my parents did their best ... this isn't about blame but about learning not to define myself by how I thought they saw me.)


It took a long journey of research and spiritual seeking to uncover what was going on for me at the level of my beliefs and to learn to deeply embrace me as the unique soul I am with my unique gifts to offer the world. I realized I needed to be the parent I never had, to parent myself and give me all the unconditional love I so deeply needed.


From here, I could stop putting myself down and seeing me as not enough and instead allow myself to flourish. I reconnected with myself as the reliable guide of my life that I in truth always was.


That's how I know you have these gifts too. I have come to see the true nature of who we are and how we create our lives by virtue of what we believe ... and that if we don't love our lives then it simply means we have beliefs about ourselves to change. They were never true in the first place. What amazing news. 

Does this describe you?

You've struggled to prove to yourself that you're worthy and to feel that you are good enough.

You have accomplished some pretty amazing things and yet you still feel like an imposter. 

You fight to keep your stress and anxiety at bay, sure that failure is just around the corner. It's easier for you to see yourself as a failure than a success.

You hold a very high bar for yourself ...

And you are overwhelmed a lot of the time.

You have a high capacity to handle a lot but life has been ... a lot.

Despite all of your effort and striving, things don't seem to be getting any easier.

In fact, they've gotten harder. 

You've been reading and studying, trying to figure it all out. And while you've learned a bunch and had amazing insights, a real shift in your life experience hasn't happened. 

You want life to be easier, more fulfilling ... you want to realize the long-standing dreams you've had for yourself.

What's missing? You don't understand what you're doing wrong ...
Image by Christopher Moreno-Stokoe
These are all symptoms of trying to live from the head. Try as you might, you can't find clarity. You're confused and feel stuck trying to logic them through.

And you feel you have to do it on your own.

The shift you are looking for is to live from the heart, which is the same as tapping your intelligence that is much deeper than that of the mind.

It's another way of saying being able to follow your intuition, letting Life or the Divine guide you. This is leading with the feminine.

To do this, you need to unlearn everything you're believing that isn't true. And let those beliefs lead you through the portal to your Inner Being, your Secret Self ... who you really are. 
If you resonate with what I've written above, you've been trying to follow the ego-led model of achievement and success that has you continously striving and never arriving.

But your heart knows otherwise and continues to call to you to transcend this false-self and start living instead from an expanded state of consciousness, where you're in conversation with all-that-is.

It's a radical re-aligning of who you think you are and how you experience life.

It's what we're here to do, so if you're ready, let's go!
Image by Austin Schmid
The Practice
Self-inquiry is the most practical, straight-forward, no-fooling tool I know of if you really want to transform your life. It's not a magic pill. We need to Work it. "I don't call it The Work for nothing," says Katie. However, it's also true that, "If you're in a hurry, this is the shortcut" (Katie).

This is the beauty of joining in a group: we do each other's Work. "There are no new stressful thoughts," Katie points out.

Self-inquiry is a tool that works with the mind to understand where we've formed conclusions that are just plain false but are running our lives completely.

Byron Katie points out that her particular method of inquiry that she calls The Work is not for everybody, there is one requirement: an open mind. Beyond that, we all have equal wisdom -- it's who we are, as a matter of fact -- so if you want to experience this for yourself, then this is for you. 
We'll meet Fridays on Zoom from 1-2:30pm EST (NYC)/10-11:30am PST (LA)/7-8:30pm (Geneva).
We will begin on May 24 and our final session together will be on June 21st. The timing is set to coincide with beginning and ending on the full moon, while also ending on the first day of summer. (I love synchronizing with the moon and the seasons, especially in women's groups.)

Sessions will always be recorded and sent to you on the same day if you can't be there live.
This is what you can expect:
  • I will give you tailored prompts, exercises and activities each week to uncover your subconscious beliefs, and then we'll do inquiry on them together.
  • You never have to share in the group, only as you feel comfortable. This will be a hugely safe space where we agree to keep to the privacy of the group. 
  • In addition to our weekly group session, you will have the option of partnering with one another as a chance to deepen your awareness through self-inquiry. This is optional from week to week in order to accommodate your changing schedules. 
  • I will work 1-on-1 with each of you once over the course of the five weeks in a private session; if you choose to do The Work in the group then you will receive my facilitation more often. 
You will have the chance to explore:
  • hidden or suppressed dreams for your life that you have given up on or come to believe aren't possible for you
  • fear: we all have it ... we usually call it stress because that makes it less scary, but let's bring it out of the dark and take a look. You'll see it in a different light. 
  • shame: any past (apparent) mistakes you're having trouble letting go of that are preventing you from moving forward
  • roles that you are questioning or struggling with, such as motherhood, romantic partnership or career/job choice​​
  • any beliefs that are holding you back from living out loud, which is the expression I use to describe living as our truest selves, unapologetically & confidently, as a gift to the world
Like you, I suspect, I have read voraciously over the years in search of life's secrets and I have collected several books and passages that I will share with you over the course of the five weeks.
My intention for this time together is to set you up for a summer where you truly embrace the beautiful being that you are and LIVE OUT LOUD with a lot of self-love, feeling confident in your choices and your path leading forward.
I'm really looking forward to connecting with a group of open-hearted women who are ready to step into a new self-relationship at this time of our lives ... wanting to realize the full extent of your beautiful self and expand into a more co-creative relationship with life.
If you have any questions about anything at all, reach out to me at
with my love, Kathryn
*Please note that we need a minimum of 5 people to run the course. I will let sign-ups happen up until the day before the course is set to run so you will not be informed until first thing on the morning of May 24 if it needs to be rescheduled due to low enrollment* 
p.s. If finances aren't flowing for you these days, please email me and I'll send you a link for $100 off ($150). Believe me, I understand this situation very well! I'm happy to help as I can. 
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